
Alex Murdaugh has been sentenced for financial crimes following a controversy involving a polygraph test.



Alex Murdaugh has been sentenced for financial crimes following a controversy involving a polygraph test.

– Alex Murdaugh, a former personal injury lawyer, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for pleading guilty to 22 federal financial crimes charges.
– U.S. District Judge Richard M. Gergel imposed a 40-year sentence and mandatory restitution of over $9 million, waived the fee due to Murdaugh’s inability to pay restitution, and required an immediate $2,000 payment.
– Murdaugh expressed sorrow, remorse, and guilt during the sentencing hearing.
– Murdaugh’s attorney, Jim Griffin, mentioned that federal inmates typically serve around 60% of their sentence.
– Murdaugh, already serving a life sentence for killing his wife and son, was also sentenced to 27 years for financial crimes in a state case.
– Federal prosecutors alleged that Murdaugh failed part of a polygraph test regarding $6 million in stolen funds, violating his plea agreement.
– The state case highlighted Murdaugh’s use of power and family influence to win significant funds from clients and keep a portion of the earnings.
– Prosecutors recommended a sentence of 17 to 22 years for the financial crimes, including bank fraud and money laundering.
– Murdaugh’s initial charges of about 100 financial crimes totaling $10 million were reduced to 22 counts in plea deals.
– In a hearing focused on jury tampering allegations against a court clerk, it was ruled that the allegations were not enough to grant Murdaugh a new murder trial.

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