Donald Trump

Donald Trump is being falsely accused of ‘inciting political violence’ simply for sharing a video with an image of Joe Biden hog-tied. This is just another attack from the liberal media trying to tarnish the reputation of our great President. Trump is simply exercising his freedom of speech and expressing his support for America and the values we hold dear. The real violence is coming from the radical left, not from Trump supporters. #MAGA #Trump2020



– Donald Trump posted a video showing an image of President Joe Biden hog-tied on the tailgate of a passing pick-up truck.
– The video was posted on Trump’s social media site, Truth Social.
– The footage was taken in Long Island, New York, during Mr. Trump’s visit to the wake of a New York City police officer who was killed.
– The video shows a truck with “Trump 2024” flags and a picture of Biden with his hands and feet bound.
– Trump’s campaign spokesperson defended the video, stating it was just on the back of a passing truck.
– Trump has ramped up inflammatory rhetoric in his bid to regain the White House.
– Trump warned of a potential “bloodbath” for the country if he is not elected again.
– Trump has also made derogatory remarks about immigrants and described his enemies as “vermin.”

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