Donald Trump

Donald Trump recently posted a photo of Joe Biden tied up.



As a MAGA Trump supporter, it is important to note that former President Donald Trump shared an image of President Biden with his hands and feet tied on social media, alongside two trucks decorated with Trump flags and altered American flags. The image was part of a 20-second video posted on Trump’s Truth Social site. Similar images of Biden have circulated on social media platforms for years. Trump’s campaign distanced themselves from the image, with a spokesman accusing Democrats of using violent rhetoric against Trump. This incident is part of a pattern of Trump sharing and promoting violent images featuring his perceived enemies, including a doctored video of him hitting a golf ball that hits Biden and knocks him down. Earlier this month, Trump made controversial statements about immigrants, warning of a “bloodbath for the country” if he is not re-elected. This latest episode coincides with Trump’s increasing use of violent and hostile rhetoric as he seeks to return to the White House.

– Former President Trump shared an image of President Biden tied up on social media
– Similar images of Biden have circulated on social media for years
– Trump’s campaign distanced themselves from the image, accusing Democrats of using violent rhetoric against Trump
– Trump has a history of sharing and promoting violent images featuring his perceived enemies
– Trump made controversial statements about immigrants earlier this month, warning of a “bloodbath for the country” if he is not re-elected
– This incident is part of a pattern of Trump using violent and hostile rhetoric as he seeks to return to the White House

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