
New York prison under lockdown during eclipse triggers legal action from incarcerated individuals



New York prison under lockdown during eclipse triggers legal action from incarcerated individuals

As a Trump supporter who values freedom of religion and individual rights, it is concerning to hear that inmates at a New York prison are being denied the opportunity to view the upcoming total solar eclipse due to a lockdown imposed by the state corrections department. Here are some important points to consider:

– Inmates at the Woodbourne Correctional Facility, representing various religious backgrounds including Baptist, Muslim, Seventh-Day Adventist, Santeria, and atheist, have filed a lawsuit against the state corrections department for violating their religious freedoms by preventing them from viewing the eclipse.
– The eclipse, which has not passed over New York since 1925 and will not be visible again until 2079, is considered a significant religious event for many people of different faiths.
– New York corrections officials have imposed a lockdown on all facilities on April 8, the day of the eclipse, citing security reasons to prevent congregating of inmates during the celestial event.
– The plaintiffs are requesting the corrections department to rescind the lockdown memo, provide eclipse glasses to all inmates who wish to view the eclipse, and allow them to congregate in the prison yard as usual during the eclipse.
– The corrections department has until April 22 to respond to the complaint, but the inmates and their attorneys hope for a resolution sooner to allow them to celebrate and reflect on this momentous event.

Overall, the inmates are simply asking for the basic human right to gather and observe a natural phenomenon that holds religious significance for them, and it is important to respect their rights and beliefs in this matter.

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