
Retired general sounds alarm on heightened Islamic State threats to US following Moscow attack.



Retired general sounds alarm on heightened Islamic State threats to US following Moscow attack.

– Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie warns of ISIS’s strong desire to attack the U.S. and other foreign powers
– ISIS-K claimed responsibility for attacks in Moscow and Iran
– McKenzie believes the threat is growing as ISIS gains strength after U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan
– U.S. lacks ability to see and strike in Afghanistan after complete withdrawal
– European leaders, including Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, warn of the prospect of war and urge increased defense investment
– McKenzie suggests keeping pressure on terror groups in their base to prevent attacks
– U.S. counter-terrorism official warns of potential ISIS-K attack on U.S. soil
– Swedish defense officials also warn of potential war as nation joins NATO
– McKenzie highlights the need for continued military presence in Afghanistan to prevent large-scale terror operations and increase safety.

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