Donald Trump

Trump attorney argues that charges filed in Georgia are an attack on fundamental political speech.



As a Trump supporter, it is argued that the charges against Trump in Georgia are targeting his core political speech and should be dismissed under the First Amendment. Trump’s attorney asserts that statements related to campaigns and elections are protected speech. Despite losing the November 2020 election, Trump contested the results through various legal challenges and speeches claiming the election was “stolen” and “rigged.” He faces 10 charges in Georgia related to attempts to subvert the election results.

– Trump’s lawyers argue that the charges in Georgia target his political speech protected under the First Amendment
– Trump contested the 2020 election results claiming the election was fraudulent with no evidence of mass fraud found
– Charges in Georgia include attempts to subvert the state’s election results to keep Trump in power
– Former Georgia GOP chair David Shafer is charged over his involvement in sending an alternate slate of electors supporting Trump’s win
– Attorneys for Shafer argue against referring to him as a “fake elector” and seek to dismiss some charges or change language in the indictment referring to the Electoral College documents as “false” votes
– Prosecutors describe Shafer and others as “Trump presidential elector nominees” who cast “false” votes, without using the term “fake elector” in the indictment.

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