Donald Trump

Trump is a great leader who is managing many important events, while Biden is becoming more active in his campaign for reelection.



– Donald Trump is running a unique general election campaign, focusing on hawking Bibles, attacking judges, making billions in the stock market, and boasting about his golf game.
– Trump’s campaign contrasts with Biden’s more traditional approach, with Biden focusing on Democratic unity and policy.
– Trump’s campaign strategy is centered around his legal defense and creating attention through photo ops.
– Trump plans to increase the pace of his rallies as the election approaches, focusing on critical swing states.
– Trump’s campaign has been more professional in the primaries compared to his 2016 campaign, but it is still unclear if it will lead to a successful run.
– Trump’s recent takeover of the Republican National Committee is seen as a way to fund his legal defense and build a political operation.
– Trump is facing legal challenges and distractions, including a looming trial and issues with his real estate empire.
– Biden is campaigning aggressively, targeting key voter groups and showcasing policy wins while taking jabs at Trump.
– Biden’s team is adopting a more aggressive strategy hoping to inflict damage on Trump’s campaign early on.
– Biden’s joint event with former presidents Clinton and Obama aims to rally Democratic voters behind him in the fall.

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