Donald Trump

Trump’s loyal supporters, including McDaniel, Eastman, Navarro, and Lake, will soon face a reckoning.



– Recent events include the removal of Ronna McDaniel, the threat of disbarment for John Eastman, and the capitulation of Kari Lake in a defamation lawsuit.

– These actions suggest a reckoning is taking place in holding individuals accountable for their involvement in spreading falsehoods about the 2020 election.

– McDaniel helped spread Trump’s lie about the election and sought to pressure officials in Michigan to withhold certification of Biden’s victory.

– Eastman faced consequences for his role in devising a scheme to keep Trump in office despite his defeat in the election.

– Navarro is serving time in prison for his refusal to testify about the January 6 insurrection and his involvement in attempts to prevent the certification of Biden’s electoral college victory.

– Kari Lake, who falsely claimed to be a victim of election fraud, is facing a defamation suit and potential financial consequences.

– Trump himself has yet to face criminal penalties, but legal cases against him are ongoing, including a trial related to hush money paid to Stormy Daniels.

– The article emphasizes the importance of accountability for those involved in spreading falsehoods and attempting to undermine democracy.

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